Useful Health Tips from McLaughlin Lofts

Want a secret ingredient to super feather, unlimited stamina and superb health. Mix flaxseed oil on the grain and add Brewers Yeast, Whey protein and minerals. The flaxseed oil is loaded with Omega 3 essential fatty acids, and must be supplied from the diet. The Brewers Yeast and Whey adds essential amino acids.

Looking for youngsters to grow like weeds with the most amazing feather and muscle. A few times per week feed your breeders grain coated with flaxseed oil and mixed with Whey Protein. Whey Protein is the purest form of protein and comes from yoghurt and cheese production. For years the manufacturers tossed it out. Now it is the craze in the athletic world for high performance. I am in the human nutrition business and all my clients use whey for the essential amino acids.

Young birds look sluggish and are not flying. Try adding 50% high quality barley. They will be flying around the loft with endless energy in about a week.

Are vitamins and minerals necessary? Soils are depleted of all minerals, crops are not rotated, grains are harvested too early or too late, long storage, etc. Multivitamins and minerals are a must. Give several times per week. We use our own blend that I formulated and added garlic with extra electrolytes and fruit sugar.

Salmonella is a problem that many pigeons battle. Often when a bird looks tired the salmonella takes off a bit and the pigeon's immune system knocks it back down. The healthy and less stressed the pigeon the less likely salmonella will be a problem. Here is the tip. Apple Cider Vinegar one ounce to the gallon lowers the pH in the gut, which makes the salmonella, count drop. This vinegar has also many trace minerals in it. Use it during the winter months and two weeks before racing and breeding.

How about giving the young birds pepper leaves from the garden along with basil leaves and garlic chives. They love it and your young birds health will improve.

I purchased minced garlic in the jar and liquify it in the blender with a little water. Next I pour it into ice cube trays and throw a cube in each waterer. Take some time and make a big bag of garlic ice.


Interesting Sites to Review



Pigeon Vitality Canadian Distributors

* Northstar Doves
Box 40, Site 1, RR #3
T4J1R3 Ponoka
Ph: (+1) 403 783-8300
Fax: (+1) 403 783-6999
Toll Free: (877) 755-6733



British Columbia
Jeff Mawbey
920 Marchmont Rd.
V9L 2M5 Duncan
Ph: (+1) 250 748 3417
Danielle Lemyre, Bristol Robins
144, Rue Laflamme
J7Y 2C9 St-jerome, 
Ph: (001) 450-553-1779
Fax: (001) 450-553-1779



Tony Rodgers
2169 Joyce Street
L7R2B6 Burlington 
Ph: (+1) 905 637 8546
Fax: (+1) 905 338 9530








Andy Loudon
Mid Island Racing Pigeon Association

Qualicum Beach , BC V9K 2L7

Phone: 250-268-8571



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